Chana « Colorful and gourmand, Chana is both functionalist and highly decorative. Reminiscent of the suspended mirrors used… Collaboration with Clémentine Chambon
Palmeira « PALMEIRA est un miroir qui valorise le savoir-faire artisanal du tressage de bambou Vietnamien, herbacée… Collaboration with Clémentine Chambon
Shelby Design exclusive for Adeoby Maxence Couthier (piKs design) and Antoine Gassion –Development by Adeo’s Inspire lighting team Designer’s words… collaboration with piKs design
Horton Design exclusive for Adeo by Maxence Couthier (piKs design) and Antoine Gassion – Development by Adeo’s Inspire lighting… collaboration with piKs design
Bodø Design exclusive for Adeoby Isabelle Daëron (Studio Idae) and Antoine Gassion – Development by Adeo’s Inspire… collaboration with Studio Idae